- The Igloo, which is away being coated, the panels for it have been cut, which will have foot prints added to them.
- The wooden man is awaiting fixings, so that it can be fixed into the ground, also braiding to be added to the trunk.
- Talking flower, this is going to be made up with it being available at 3 points. the channel has been started to install it, some work on the units still to be finished and painted.
- See-saw water pump, this is still in the infantsy stage, but it purpose is to be able to pump water to the top of the water channel. It is hoped, the with the movement of the see saw two pumps will be able to draw/pump water with each movement.
- Mosaic stepping stones - still some to be set into cement.
- Gate for the abacus barrier.
So there is still plenty to do before we get to the opening date of the 25th June 2009. Let`s hope that we get good weather to help us along.......
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